Designing of Shop drawing

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Designing of Shop drawing

We have expert engineers to design a complete fire protection system as per NFPA and DCD stander requirements. Our team prepare the shop drawings base on specification provided by owner/consultant etc. and approved it from the local authorities and Civil defense.

The design of any fire-protection system is an exact science that takes into account a buildings use, occupancy, footprint, and even its other installed systems. Fire-protection systems are complicated and sophisticated, and are different for just about every building, the designing, whether it is being designed for a new building or being installed as part of a renovation or retrofit, must be developed with specific objectives in mind.

Planning for fire protection involves an integrated approach in which system designers need to analyses building components as a total package. In most cases, the analysis needs to go beyond basic code compliance and the owner's minimum legal responsibilities for providing protection.

the design process should be a holistic one for both new construction and retrofits. Building ownership and management, architects, engineers, contractors, and consultants all need to be involved in the planning and design process, and fully understand the issues and concerns of all other parties.


Code Compliance

Code compliance is the first objective in any design. Codes are legal minimum requirements; you have to meet the minimum with any design.


The Basics

In the design process, these typical fire-protection system goals are on the table for consideration:

- Saving lives.

- Saving property.

- Preserving business continuity.

It all depends on how a building is used and occupied. A warehouse or storage facility, for example, will have different fire-protection requirements than a multi-tenant office building.

While no standard fire-protection design blueprint exists for any two buildings, the systems found in any building typically include these basic components:

- Detection.

- Alarms and notification.

- Suppression.

All components of modern fire-protection systems need to work together to effectively detect, contain, control, and/or extinguish a fire in its early stages - and to survive during the fire. 

To achieve the most beneficial symbiosis between these components, Guard master Safety systems are Dubai civil defense approved company to plan and design the shop drawings complying NFPA, DCD code, and building specification. 

Designing of Shop drawing in Dubai - UAE

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